
The Orthodox Church - October-November 1994

SVS Liturgical Institute boasts Bicentennial theme

Helen Erickson lectures on liturgical music.

CRESTWOOD, NY [SVS] — Ninety-six participants gathered for the 1994 Liturgical Institute of Music and Pastoral Practice at Saint Vladimir's Seminary here in June. This year's theme, "Orthodoxy in North America Today," addressed ways Orthodox Christianity provides a vision to meet today's challenges.

Topics presented by faculty and guest speakers included liturgical worship and music, the canonical situation, pastoral care, spirituality, stewardship, and religious education. Panel discussions focused on clergy-laity relations and Orthodox unity in America. The liturgical music section included lectures, workshops and rehearsals.

Twelve pastors and lay teachers from six Eastern European countries in the US for a month-long program of research and reflection. Their presence greatly enriched the discussion. They brought fresh insights and fielded questions on Church life in their respective countries.
His Beatitude, Metropolitan Theodosius, was joined by His Eminence, Metropolitan Spyridon of Italy, in the US representing the Ecumenical Patriarch and His Eminence, Archbishop Peter of New York in responding to questions and comments from participants.

[ The Orthodox Church - October-November 1994 - p. 7 ]