
The Orthodox Church - October 1996

Archbishop Spyridon to head Greek Archdiocese

NEW YORK, NY — As this issue of The Orthodox Church goes to press, final plans for the September 21 installation of His Eminence, Archbishop Spyridon, the former Metropolitan of Italy, as head of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America were being made.

The installation took place at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral, New York City.

A native of Warren, OH, Archbishop Spyridon succeeds His Eminence, Archbishop Iakovos, who retired July 29. Archbishop Spyridon was elected the following day by the Patriarchate of Constantinople's 12-member Holy Synod under the chairmanship of His All-Holiness. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I.

In a concurrent move, the Holy Synod decided to divide the Archdiocese, which for decades had jurisdiction over Greek Orthodox communities in North and South America, into four separate metropolitanates. In addition to the New York-based American Archdiocese, the Synod established three new sees: Toronto, Canada; Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Mexico City, Mexico.

[ The Orthodox Church - October 1996 - p. 1 ]