
The Orthodox Church - November/December 1996

Archbishop Peter heads OCA delegation
at enthronement of GOA Archbishop Spyridon

NEW YORK, NY [OCA] — His Eminence, Archbishop Peter of New York, headed the official delegation from the Orthodox Church in America that participated in the enthronement of the new primate of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, His Eminence, Archbishop Spyridon, at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral here September 21, 1996.

Unable to attend the enthronement due to his participation in the Assembly of the Diocese of Alaska, of which he is Locum Tenens, Metropolitan Theodosius was also represented by Protopresbyter Robert Kondratick, OCA Chancellor; the Very Rev. Leonid Kishkovsky, Assistant to the Chancellor for External Affairs; and the Very Rev. Gregory Havrilak, Director of Communications.

His Eminence, Metropolitan Joachim of Chalcedon, presided at the installation Liturgy.

A native of Warren, OH, Archbishop Spyridon, 52, most recently headed the Ecumenical Patriarchate's Metropolitanate of Italy. He was elected to head the American Archdiocese by the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate on July 30, 1996.

Hierarchs representing member jurisdictions of the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas led the procession along Second Avenue, together with a number of civil and ecumenical leaders, including William Cardinal Keeler of Baltimore; the Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell, General Secretary of the National Council of Churches; Archbishop Rembert Weakland of Milwaukee, and numerous dignitaries from the diplomatic corp.

Following the enthronement Liturgy, over 2000 guests attended a luncheon at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.

Metropolitan Theodosius, together with His Grace, Bishop Innocent of Anchorage, sent the following message from Alaska to Archbishop Spyridon.

"We extend to you our sincere congratulations and heartfelt prayers as you are officially installed as Archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. We pray that our blessed Father Herman of Alaska will guide you in patience and humility as you minister to the faithful entrusted to your care. May Saint Yakov Netsvetov, Evangelizer of the people of Alaska, be an example to you in your archpastoral work and service to the Lord at His holy altar. And may Saint Innocent of Alaska, Apostle to America, intercede on your behalf that you may be strengthened as you take on the mantle of episcopal leadership of the Greek Archdiocese.

"Our archpastoral responsibilities at this diocesan assembly do not permit us to physically be with you on this joyous day, but know that we join with the saints, and all the Orthodox hierarchs, clergy, monastics and faithful in rejoicing in your installation as you enter the brotherhood of the venerable hierarchs bearing witness to the rich tradition of our Orthodox faith in this land of America.

"As we pray and deliberate the joys and sorrows, triumphs and tribulations, and strengths and weaknesses of the Diocese of Alaska, be assured of the continued prayers of the hierarchs, clergy, monastics and faithful of our diocese for a fruitful ministry. May we always work together in brotherly love, peace, and harmony as we seek to fulfill God's holy will."

[ The Orthodox Church - November/December 1996 - p. 7 ]