September 15, 1997
NEW YORK. -- With much joy His Grace Bishop Isaiah of Denver, President of
Hellenic College/Holy Cross School of Theology, the Rev.
Deacon John Chryssavgis, Acting Dean of Hellenic
College/Holy Cross School of Theology and all the faculty
and staff welcomed old and new students back to HC/HC to
make the opening of the 60th year of classes at the
On Saturday, September 6, His Eminence Archbishop Spyridon, Chairman
of the HC/HC Board of Trustees, traveled to Boston in
order to personally welcome back the faculty, staff and
students. All gathered in the School Cafeteria for a
community luncheon and were given the time with His
Eminence to exchange ideas about the School, ask
questions about recent administrative changes and any
matters which are of concern to the students of our
It was the decision of His Eminence to meet with the students on a
one-to-one basis, so that he could speak directly to
them, answer their questions and share his hopes for them
and their future. This unique opportunity for the
students to spend time with the Archbishop will be
continued as His Eminence visits the School in the
future. Also, the Archbishop announced to the students
his wish that each class studying at the School come to
the Archdiocesan headquarters in New York in order to
have the opportunity to share a luncheon meal together
and continue this open dialogue throughout the academic
year. These decisions of His Eminence were taken in order
to establish a new tradition at our School and emphasize
that a new course has been taken which encourages the
students to be more actively involved in the life of the
Archdiocese, as they share their vital ideas and
experiences regarding HC/HC.
Following this open dialogue on September 6 with the students. there was
an informal faculty meeting at which His Eminence shared
his dreams and vision for HC/HC, and the role of the
faculty within the life of this sacred Institution of the
On Saturday, September 13, the Great Vesper Services celebrating the
Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross was chanted by
Prof. Photios Ketsetzis and members of the student body.
His Eminence Archbishop Spyridon leas a standing room
only Vesper Service which included the installation of
His Grace Bishop Isaiah of Denver as President. In
attendance among others were the Rev. Dr. Diane Kessler,
Executive Director of the Massachusetts Council of
Churches, and Dr. Rodney Peterson, Executive Director of
the Boston Theological Institute.
According to
tradition, the Senior students of Holy Cross Seminary
receive their rasso from the hands of the Archbishop.
This year the following students received the rasso:
Dn. Stavros
Akrotirianakis, Diocese of San Francisco; Dn. Stefanos
Alexopoulos, Church of Greece; Chris Avromopoulos,
Diocese of Chicago; John Coroneus, Diocese of San
Francisco; Theologos Drakos, Metropolis of Toronto,
Canada; William Flegas, Diocese of Denver; George
Hazlaris, Diocese of San Francisco; John Katsoulis,
Diocese of Chicago; Paul Keriotis, Diocese of Pittsburgh;
Pantelis Klostri, Archdiocesan District; Joshua Makoul,
Antiochian Archdiocese; John Mefrige, Antiochian
Archdiocese; Michael Monos, Diocese of New Jersey;
Dimitrios Moraitis, Archdiocesan District; John Nassis,
Diocese of Chicago; Glen Nugent, Antiochian Archdiocese;
Fr. Antonios Papathanasiou, Church of Greece; James
Pavlow, Archdiocesan District; Soterios Rousakis, Diocese
of Atlanta; Chris Salamy, Antiochian Archdiocese; Brian
Sietsema, Diocese of Boston; Constantine Simeonides,
Diocese of Pittsburgh; Michael Sintros, Diocese of
Boston; Dn. Christopher Stamas, Diocese of Boston; Dn.
Michael Stearns, Diocese of Chicago; Matthew Street,
Antiochian Archdiocese; William Tragus, Diocese of San
Francisco; Dn. Peter Andrew Vithoulkas, Archdiocesan
District; Dn. Jeffrey Waynick, Diocese of Detroit; Dn.
Yohannes Tewolde, Patriarchate of Alexandria.
Students receiving
their Holy Cross School cross are:
Peter Goritsan, Diocese of Chicago; Ryan Gzikowski, Diocese of
Pittsburgh; Bus Lazarakis, Diocese of Denver; Larry
Legakis, Diocese of Detroit; Chris Alexander Politz,
Diocese of Denver; John Smiliotopoulos, Diocese of
Boston; Spiro Bobotas, Diocese of Boston; Evangelos
Evangelides, Diocese of Boston; Nicholas Georgiou,
Diocese of Chicago; Paul Gikas, Diocese of San Francisco;
Jacob Gorny, Diocese of San Francisco; Scott Hoffhines,
Diocese of Chicago; Michael Kallas, Diocese of San
Francisco; John Katsoulis, Diocese of Chicago; Paul
Keriotis, Diocese of Pittsburgh; George Ketrenos, Diocese
of San Francisco; John Kokinos, Diocese of Boston; Euthym
Kontaxis, Diocese of San Francisco; Jim Kordaris, Diocese
of Chicago; Nicolaos H. Kotsis, Diocese of Detroit;
Daryle Lamoureux, Diocese of Boston; Vasile Mihai,
Diocese of Atlanta; Daniel Payne, Diocese of Denver;
Timothy Robinson, Diocese of San Francisco; Peter
Stratos, Diocese of San Francisco; Demetrios Tonias,
Archdiocesan District; Nicholas Voyagis, Diocese of
Detroit; Paul Zaharas, Diocese of Denver; Paul Zamora,
Diocese of Denver; Zisis Nterekas, Metropolis of Toronto,
Canada; Joshua Utomo, Metropolis of Hong Kong; Nicholas
Louh, Antiochian Archdiocese; Jimmy Shadid, Antiochian
The new students for the Academic Year 1997-98 are:
Holy Cross School of Theology
Master of Divinity
Homer L. Cox III,
Antiochian Archdiocese; Michael Diamond, Diocese of New
Jersey; Bill Gikas, Diocese of New Jersey; Nicholas
Halkias, Diocese of Pittsburgh; Konstantinos Kalogridis,
Diocese of New Jersey; Dn. Boulos Khoury, Antiochian
Archdiocese; Gary Kyriacou, Diocese of San Francisco;
Elenitsa Lewis, Diocese of New Jersey; Adam Metropoulos,
Diocese of Boston; Eric Morrow, Diocese of Denver;
Philippe Mousis, Diocese of Boston; Andis Nikolla, Church
of Albania; Antonios Sarigiannis, Archdiocesan District;
Dn. Peter Smith, Antiochian Archdiocese; Peter Syrakis,
Archdiocesan District; Harry Theodore, Diocese of
Detroit; Simon Thomas, Diocese of San Francisco; John
Vlahos, Diocese of Chicago; Steven Zimnes, Diocese of New
Jersey; Peter Zougras, Archdiocesan District.
Master of Theology
Anestis Kyriakides, Church of Greece; Fr. Geoffrey Ready, Canadian Orthodox
Hellenic College
Religious Studies
George Anastasiou, Archdiocesan District; Spiro Doukas, Diocese of New
Jersey; Chrisanthos Kerkeres, Diocese of Chicago;
Jennifer Molesa, Diocese of San Francisco; Michael
Prevas, Diocese of Chicago; Damon Smith, Diocese of
Denver; John Stamos, Diocese of Chicago; Andrew Walsh,
Diocese of Chicago
Elementary Education
Christa Gongopoulos, Diocese of Denver
Human Development
Erta Hysenbegasi, Church of Albania; Anna Pipilas, Diocese of Chicago; Nick Stremmenos, Diocese of Boston
Danais Danassi-Afentaki, Church of Greece; Eleni Goudanas,
Church of Greece
On Sunday,
September 14, the Orthros and Divine Liturgy were chanted
followed by the Litany of the Procession of the
Most-Precious Cross of Christ of which a relic is kept at
the Seminary. His Eminence Archbishop Spyridon presided
at the Liturgy assisted by His Grace Bishop Methodios of
Boston, His Grace Bishop Isaiah of Denver, President of
HC/HC and numerous deacons and presbyters from the
Seminary and the Archdiocese.
ALITHEIA-ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ | - September 15, 1997 ]