
GOARCH - November 18, 1998

Exec. Comm. of Archdiocesan Council to Visit Ecumenical Patriarchate

NEW YORK - This evening, members of the Executive Committee of the Archdiocese Council are traveling to the Phanar and the Ecumenical Patriarchate. At their regular monthly meeting on November 10, 1998, there was a unanimous agreement to schedule this trip in order for the Executive Committee to receive in person the blessings, guidance and prayers of His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. They are scheduled to return on November 21, 1998.

The Executive Committee of the Archdiocese Council is chaired by the Archbishop and comprised of the Vice-Chairman of the Archdiocese Council, Mr. John Catsimatidis of New York, NY; Secretary, Mr. Peter J. Pappas of New York, NY; Treasurer, Mr. Nicholas J. Bouras of Summit, NJ; Mr. Andrew A. Athens of Chicago, IL; Mr. George Behrakis of Tewksbury, MA; Mr. Michael G. Cantonis of Tarpon Springs, FL; Mr. Harry J. Pappas of Visalia CA; Mr. James Paulos of Dallas, TX; and Mr. George E. Safiol of Weston, MA.

  November 18, 1998 ]