GOARCH - May 21, 1998
Archbishop Spyridon Invites G.O.A.L. Representatives to the Archdiocese
His Eminence Archbishop Spyridon has invited representatives from the organization G.O.A.L., who had requested to meet with the Archbishop, to the Archdiocese Headquarters in New York for a meeting on June 1, 1998, to discuss their ideas and concerns.
In a comment, His Eminence said:
"I look forward that this meeting will offer all of us the opportunity to dialogue in the spirit of the Resurrection. I am hopeful that this spirit of love, openness and forgiveness can prevail throughout all of our Holy Archdiocese. During these days in which we anticipate the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, let us all re-commit ourselves to the true message of the Church. It is time to stop hurting one another with words; it is time to stop hurting our Church. It is time to start engaging one another with the best of our Greek Orthodox Christian values and with the love of the Resurrected Christ."
[ GOARCH May 21, 1998 ]