GOARCH - October 6, 1998
Archbishop Spyridon Meets with Greece's Under Secretary of Foreign Affairs Mr. Yannos Kranidiotis
NEW YORK.- Greece's Under Secretary of Foreign Affairs, His Excellency Yannos Kranidiotis and Archbishop Spyridon, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in America, met today at Archdiocese headquarters.
Speaking to journalists after the meeting, His Eminence expressed his satisfaction with the lengthy discussion that he and Mr. Kranidiotis had. He pointed out that the will is evident, from both sides, for closer cooperation between the Archdiocese and the Greek government. "We view matters of common interest along the same lines," the Archbishop said.
Mr. Kranidiotis, in turn said, "the meeting was particularly useful to me and I would like to express the unreserved support of the Greek government as well as my personal admiration for the Archbishop and his ministry."
[ GOARCH -under-secretary-of-foreign-affairs-mr-yannos-kranidiotis October 6, 1998 ]