
GOARCH - August 17, 1998

New Board of Trustees
Elected for Hellenic College/Holy Cross School of Theology

NEW YORK - On August 12, 1998, the Corporate Board of Hellenic College/Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology met at the Archdiocese headquarters and discharged their biennial duty of electing the Board of Trustees for the Institution. The names are as follows:

Dr. James Alex, Arthur Anton, George D. Behrakis, Drake Behrakis, Michael G. Cantonis, Constantine G. Caras, Harry T. Cavalaris, Eve Condakes, Leo Condakes, Rev. Presbyter Costas Constantinou, George Demeter, Spyro Dimitratos, Rev. Economos Panagiotis K. Giannakopoulos, Dr. Steven Gounardes, V. Admiral Michael P. Kalleres, Rev. Economos Chris P. Kerhulas, Protopresbyter Spencer T. Kezios, Michael Krone, Peter Lagen, Rev. Protopresbyter Jon E. Magoulias, George Mihaltses, Rev. Protopresbyter Constantine M. Monios, Demetrios Moschos, Rev. Economos George T. Orfanakos, Rev. Protopresbyter Dean N. Paleologos, Dr. Constantine Papadakis, Judge Nicholas P. Papadakos, James Paulos, Rev. Economos Demetrios A. Recachinas, George Rokas, George Safiol, Arthur G. Saridakis, Rose Saridakis-Kaloris, Andrew Tsiolas, Rev. Presbyter Thomas J. Zaferes. The Board also includes the Archbishop, the President of the Institution, the Dean of the School and the Legal Counsel (the latter two as non voting members).

  August 17, 1998 ]