
GOARCH - October 16, 1998

Presbyters Council Convenes at Archdiocese

New York, NY - Extensive discussions with His Eminence Archbishop Spyridon highlighted the meetings of the Archdiocesan Presbyters Council (APC) convened October 13-14 at the Archdiocese. It was announced that APC would soon have its own website, scheduled to go on line October 30th.

In addition to meeting with the Very Rev. George Passias, Chancellor, reports were heard from Presvytera Margaret Orfanakos, president of the National Sisterhood of Presvyteres, Father Basil Gaines, president of the Retired Clergy and a discussion of the Internet with Theo Nicolakis, director of Archdiocese Internet Ministries.

Members of the APC elected to serve a two year term at the Clergy-Laity Congress in Orlando, FL in July are: New York Archdiocese, Rev. Basil Kissal, Washington, DC; Rev. Demetrios Recachinas, Bridgeport, CT; Rev. Nicholas Bacalis, treasurer, Richmond, VA; Rev. James C. Moulketis, Wyckoff, NJ; Diocese of Detroit, Rev. George Matsis, Secretary, Toledo, OH; Rev. George P. Savas; Diocese of Atlanta, V. Rev. Sebastian Skordallos, Marietta, GA; Rev. Christopher T. Metropulos, Ex Officio, Ft. Lauderdale, FL; Diocese of Chicago, V. Rev. Timothy Bakakos, Oak Lawn, IL; Rev. Chris P. Kerhulas, President, Chicago, IL; Diocese of San Francisco, Rev. Jon Magoulias, Modesto, CA; Rev. Peter G. Salmas, Vice President, Belmont, CA; Diocese of Pittsburgh, Rev. John G. Panagiotou, Clarksburg, PA; Rev. Paul A. Patitsas, East Pittsburgh, PA; Diocese of Boston, Rev. George E. Economou, Pawtucket, RI; Rev. Panagiotis K. Giannakopoulos, Centerville/Hyannis, MA; Diocese of Denver, Rev. Nicholas C. Papedo, Boulder, CO; Rev. Jordan Brown, Austin, TX.

[ GOARCH - - October 16, 1998 ]