
Voithia - February 18, 1998

Holy Cross Trustees Form Committee 2/14
to Replace Hellenic College/Holy Cross President Isaiah,
Who They Appointed Last August

By Harry Coin, of Voithia

BROOKLINE, MA: Last weekend, 2/14, at a meeting of the Trustees at Hellenic College, at which not enough trustees sufficient for a quorum attended, it was announced there is a committee formed to replace Hellenic College/Holy Cross president, Metropolitan Isaiah.

This event is not news as it was previously announced by Archbishop Spyridon to the Executive Committee of the Archdiocesan Council and the Patriarch last August 30 at the Phanar that this action was part of the plan. (click here to read the minutes of that meeting).  Nevertheless, The Orthodox Observer, page 1, in the September issue of last year wrote of the August 16 Trustee Hellenic College/Holy Cross meeting:   "...The official unanimous decision by the school's corporate board (led by Spyridon, Methodios) to name Bishop Isaiah of Denver as president of Hellenic College/Holy Cross also was announced."

At last Saturday's meeting those representing the current corporate board members [Spyridon, Methodios] made statements suggesting the responsibility for what they held to be one of the most grim states of economic affairs at the school at the feet of President Isaiah.

At the meeting with Archbishop Spyridon and the priests of the Boston Diocese, the Archbishop was quoted in the Hellenic Chronicle 1/28/98 as saying "On this same line, we do have a question of accreditation from the University of Athens. They are questioning the fact that some of our professors do not have Orthodox doctorates."

[Voithia: In light of the fact that two weeks after then Bishop, now Metropolitan Isaiah was appointed, his removal within a year was announced at the Phanar, and his responsibilities at Denver not changed, does his lack of results in the area of fundraising and long range vision for Hellenic College/Holy Cross seem a reasonable thing to hold him accountable for?  Is the responsibility rightly to be placed there, or with the highest governing body of the school that approved the dismissal of the senior faculty:  the board of Corporate Members, led by clergy members Archbishop Spyridon and past Hellenic College President Metropolitan Methodios?]

[ Voithia | | December 31, 1998 ]
[ Voithia | | December 31, 1998 ]