GOARCH - June 24, 1999
Archbishop Spyridon Assures Patriarch Pavle Support
of Orthodox Christians in America for the People of Yugoslavia
New York, NY -- Archbishop Spyridon Assures Patriarch Pavle Support of Orthodox Christians in America for the People of Yugoslavia
His Eminence Archbishop Spyridon has sent a letter to His Beatitude, Patriarch Pavle of Serbia, assuring him of the support and good will of the Orthodox Christians in America for the people of Yugoslavia.
In his letter to His Beatitude Pavle, The Archbishop wrote:
"I have written to President Clinton asking that the government of the United States of America offer financial support to the people of Yugoslavia as they seek to heal and rebuild their land, along with protection for the Serbian minority in Kososvo and for the holy sites and sacred monasteries of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Indeed, in the strongest terms possible we shall continue to advocate on behalf of the Serbian people for these guarantees."
"Moreover, I want to communicate the news that the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), the charitable arm of the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in America (SCOBA), has established a special relief fund for the suffering people of Yugoslavia. IOCC has received $85,000 for humanitarian aid that the Faithful of the Holy Archdiocese of America have given out of love for their brothers and sisters. On behalf of them and in all joy and humility, I am pleased to make this gift known to you."
[ GOARCH of-orthodox-christians-in-america-for-the-people-of-yugoslavia
June 24, 1999 ]