
Orthodox Observer - June 1999

Albright Recognizes Archbishop's Freedom Efforts

Archbishop Spyridon has been recognized by Secretary of State Madeline Albright for his distinguished service to the cause of religious freedom in helping to create positive changes in the lives of the people around the world.

The Advisory Committee on Religious Freedom Abroad Commission on International Religious Freedom has been meeting for the last two years and concluded their work on May 17.

Archbishop Spyridon, as an Advisory Committee Member, made the resources and opinions of the Archdiocese available for this momentous work. The most important fruits of the Committee came in the form of new legislation.

This legislation establishes an Office of Religious Persecution Monitoring to provide for the imposition of sanction against countries engaged in a pattern of religious persecution.

[ Orthodox Observer, VOL. 64 - NO. 1162, June 1999 - p. 2 ]