Orthodox Observer - February 5, 1999
A comment from Archbishop Spyridon on Fr. Robert Stephanopoulos'
appointment to spearhead new ministry initiatives
(hospital, prison, homebound and campus ministries) in Manhattan
( January 21, 1999 )
Commenting on these developments, the Archbishop said:
"These dreams have been in the minds of many for a long time. I was very gratified indeed to learn that Father Robert has served for many years in anticipation of such a development. Under the coordination of Father Robert, I feel we will be more than equal to the task of expanding the ministry of the Cathedral throughout our city, and provide a leadership model for others to follow. I also look forward to the clergy of the metropolitan area participating in this unique opportunity to bring these new initiatives to fruition."
[ Orthodox Observer - February 5, 1999 - p. 4 ]