
Voithia - August 28, 1999

We need a non-partisan Orthodox News Service

[ A letter from Wm. Geo. Vassily ]


WHAT?!? Folding your tents and sneaking off into the night? Unless you have had a direct appeal from the new Archbishop to disband, you are taking the cowardly way out.   | After three years, was +Spyridon all you were after? Like tens of thousands, I have been an avid interested party to "Voithia." You have done more to spark an interest in Orthodoxy than you can ever discern. There is still much to do. Listen to the message from your readers. THERE IS NO NON-PARTISAN ORTHODOX NEWS SERVICE OUT THERE WITH THE MAGNITUDE OF VOITHIA!!! Good, bad, or indifferent that is unfortunately true. Many have criticized you, some of it richly deserved, but you always have included the commentary about your warts along with the good that you have perceived was your mission.   | And to your critics: There was no way that an archbishop could be dethroned if there was not validity to the complaints. (Sorry, fellows, you're not that powerful.) Is your web site expensive? Sure it is. Ask for subscriptions to keep such a site available. Before, your message was "AGAINST." Now you have an opportunity to show what you are "FOR." Your title has been "For the Good of the Church." Again, unless it is the request of Archbishop Demetrios, DON'T GO.

Wm. Geo. Vassily
Syracuse, New York

[ Voithia - - August 28, 1999 ]